Suidooster is a South African television soap opera produced by Suidooster Films which revolves around a matriarch, her family, friends and the people of Suidooster, a small shopping and business centre in the fictional Cape Town suburb of Ruiterbosch.
- Starring : Theresa Sedras, Portia Joel, Denise Newman, Abduragman Adams, Gerwen Simon
- Genres : Soap
- Uploaded By : Producer
- Audio Language : English, Hindi, French, Japanese
Episodes 8
- 35Mins
Three families live and work together and consequently share in each other’s joys and sorrows. The Octobers are planning a birthday party, the Samsodiens are considering going on holiday and the Du Plooys are at loggerheads with each other.
- 35Mins
Mrs Jacobs goes out of her way to track down her lost daughter, disturbing Bridgette in the process. The mysterious Bianca hides a secret from the people of Suidooster, while Mymoena wants to start her own business. In the Du Plooy household, the standoff between father Chris and his son Tim reaches crisis point when Chris takes action.
- 35Mins
Bianca starts her job as a waitress at Oos Wes, but should the people of Suidooster trust her? Against his father’s wishes, Tim accepts his new job offer and looks forward to getting to know his boss’s daughter better. Mrs Jacobs’s 70th birthday bash is in full swing when a guest arrives who can derail the whole event.
- 35Mins
Mrs J is desperate to find her lost daughter’s phone number, while Bridgette is convinced Ian summoned her sister back. Stefan feels he’s competing with Mymoena’s samoosas, until AB puts his foot down regarding this matter. Tim is crestfallen when Ian gives him his first job and Bianca is forced to confide in Michelle.
- 35Mins
Mrs J is desperate for her daughters to reconcile but Bridgette doesn’t trust Lee-Ann at all. Mymoena is excited about all the orders for her samoosas, while Nicole starts looking at Tim through new eyes. Meanwhile Stefan is still trying to catch the till thief in Oos Wes.
- 35Mins
Jerome decides to step in when he sees how much the rift between her daughters is upsetting Mrs J. Nicole tries to help Tim at work but things don’t work out the way she intended. Bianca and Mymoena are getting a business plan together when AB walks in on them. Is this the end of Mymoena’s dream to be a little more independent?
- 35Mins
Mrs J wants to know why Bianca lied to them but is unsure whether she can believe her daughter’s explanation. Jerome tells Tim that he’s wasting his time with Nicole, while still trying to outdo Rhafiek when it comes to Bianca. Lee-Ann asks Ian for help and Bianca manages to convince Michelle that Mymoena is indeed her mother.
- 35Mins
Mymoena is becoming suspicious oft Bianca’s motives behind helping her, while Bianca and Rhafiek are getting along like a house on fire. At the office, Tim tries to prove himself to Ian once again and later he surprises Nicole when she sees how much he cares for others. Meanwhile Bridgette asks Chris to do her dirty work and Mrs J gets an unexpected surprise.
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