A South African Afrikaans soap opera. It is set in and around the fictional private hospital, Binneland Kliniek, in Pretoria, and the storyline follows the trials, trauma and tribulations of the staff and patients of the hospital.
- Starring : Hans Strydom, Gys de Villiers, Rolanda Marais, Sandi Schultz, Nadia Valvekens
- Genres : Soap
- Uploaded By : Admin
- Audio Language : English, Hindi, French, Japanese, Chinese
Episodes 8
1. Episode 1
- 30Mins
First aired episode
2. Episode 2
- 45Mins
3. Episode 3
- 35Mins
4. Episode 4
- 30Mins
5. Episode 5
- 30Mins
6. Episode 6
- 30Mins
7. Episode 7
- 30Mins
8. Episode 8
- 30Mins
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